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Chronic Inflammation

  • Balanced Physiotherapy & Pilates Suite 3, Level 1, Burton Street Vincentia, NSW, 2540 Australia (map)

Chronic Inflammation

Chronic Inflammation - Is it contributing to your symptoms?

Inflammation is most well known as a short lived event that occurs after injury and serves to promote tissue healing. However for a group of people, this acute inflammatory process does not resolve and turns into a low level systemic chronic inflammation.

This chronic inflammatory response can lead to changes to the normal functioning of all organs and tissues, which in turn can lead to diseases such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease . depression, various cancers, autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative disease.

We're excited to be hosting Liza from Jervis Bay Naturopathy to chat about the naturopathic assessment and treatment of chronic inflammation. 

You might be interested in joining us if you suffer from:

  • muscle and joint aches and pains

  • type II diabetes

  • autoimmune conditions

  • osteoporosis

  • chronic fatigue

Places are limited - please regitser your attendance via the link below!

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20 March

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