Pessaries For Prolapse
supporting your pelvic floor health
When it comes to managing pelvic organ prolapse conservatively, as physiotherapists we have many tools in our tool bag. One important tool we have is the vaginal support pessary.
what is a vaginal support pessary?
A vaginal support pessary is a non-surgical device that is inserted into the vagina to help support the pelvic organs. It can significantly reduce symptoms and improve quality of life. Pessaries come in various shapes and sizes, and your physiotherapist can help determine the best fit based on the individual.
benefits of vaginal support pessaries
Non-surgical solution: For those who are not candidates for surgery, want to have more children or who would prefer to avoid it, pessaries offer an effective alternative.
Immediate relief: Pessaries can quickly alleviate symptoms of prolapse, allowing you to resume your normal activities.
how do vaginal support pessaries work?
Your healthcare professsional will assess and choose a pessary based on a number of factors. After inserting, they will check for correct fit and then (where appropriate) teach you how to insert and remove the pessary yourself. The pessary works by either taking up space within the vaginal canal, stopping the prolapsed organs from descending back down, or, by providing support to the internal structures of the pelvis.
can I exercise with the pessary?
Yes! This is a common question we are asked. Once inserted, you should not be able to feel the pessary and in most cases women find they are more comfortable returning to their activities as the pessary is supporting the prolapse.
Prolapse is a common condition and vaginal support pessaries are another option to help manage your symptoms and allow you to get back into the activities you enjoy.
We're located in Vincentia and service the areas of Jervis Bay including Huskisson, Sanctuary Point, St Georges Basin, Nowra and surrounds.
If you would like an assessment of your pelvic floor and prolapse symptoms, please feel free to contact us or book online via the buttons below.